Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The argument between landlord and tenant

A woman, Sophia, rented a room from her landlord, Lillie, 14 years ago. Because of the economy, she moved in fast and didn't check it out carefully.

When she first lived there, she was living on the 1st floor. After one year, Lillie's son told her to move to the basement. Her job was making food and selling it to people who want to buy something to take away.

The important thing is that this basement is illegal to rent. Sophia received a letter from the Government in 2008. They told her this basement was illegal to live in, but Sophia didn't know about that, and the landlord didn't tell her either.

One day, some people smelled a gas leak. When Sophia told Lillie the situation, she didn't care to do anything about it. Sophia knew this leak was leaded to this basement being too dangerous to live, so Sophia needed to move out. But she needed money to find a new place to live. This iswhy Sophia sued the landlord.

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